Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Python as a platform for ROMS

It appears that python is gaining a lot of momentum in scientific computing. There are a few packages in particular that seem interesting to me right now:
SciPy Scientific Tools for Python - SciPy - Scientific tools for Python
Matplotlib / pylab - matlab style python plotting (plots, graphs, charts)

nanohub offers some tips on using pyton for scientific computing (in particular, using scipy, since they are the primary developers):
NANOHUB.ORG - Scientific Computing with Python

Of particular interest to people who use the right kind of computers:
SciPy Scientific Tools for Python - OSX Build instructions

Underneath both of these programs is a library that allows pyton to deal with arrays and other numerical issues: Numerical Python.

Perhaps it would be good to model any system built around ROMS on the Earth System Modeling Framework, or even better, steel the best parts of their code.

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