Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mesh/Grid Generation Software

Here is an alarminly long (perhaps complete) list of Mesh/Grid Generation Software . Aside from those known to the ROMS community, Pavel Sakov has a powerful set of grid generation utilities.

Also of interest, NCARs ngmath, a set of 2- and 3D interpolation utilities, and TSFIT by Oleg Davydov

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Calling Java classes within Python

Here are some interesting candidates for calling Java classes from within Python. As for Jython, I think there is a reasonable case against it (for the sorts of things I want to do) on the JPype front page.

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Disk Inventory X

Daring Fireball posted a link to Disk Inventory X. This is an excelent example of functional design. Now I know that those history files are what is using all my disk space.. my music collection has nothing to do with it..

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Gtk on Mac OS X

tcltkaqua, but TclTk does not seem to use the full potential of either matplotlib or aqua. Gtk is a much more mature windowing environment (developed for Gnome and GIMP), but it is quite difficult to install.

There is a new effort in getting Gtk working on OS X. Presently, it just gives
Gtk Mac OS X/Build Instructions, but perhaps it will someday come as a Mac OS X package, like TclTkAqua does.