Monday, January 12, 2009

OmniFocus vs. Things

The short answer is that [Things]( wins... Now for the long answer, after the break..

I converted to GTD a few years ago, and have been modestly good about keeping up with things. The most valuable lessons I've learned from this are to keep actionable items in a distinct place, and make sure there is actually an action associated.

I've been using OmniFocus to do this for a while. I was very happy with OmniFocus when it came out, and used the bleeding edge beta versions for some time. However, it seemed that I never really grooved with the application. I didn't realize what it was until I saw a video complaining about the OmniFocus UI (I'd link to it, but it's lost in the aether). There were many little things that I hadn't noticed, but after seeing the video I realized that I was fighting, ever so slightly, with the one app that *needs* to work well.

The other Mac apps work very well with my work flow -- in particular, Mail and iCal. OmniFocus was almost there, but not quite.

I just tried out [Things](, and I can instantly see that it works. I like the idea of tags, which can be used for contexts, but are flexible enough to be used for anything. I also like the idea of 'Areas'. I was never sure where to put my larger 'Projects', like my NSF or NOAA grants. These are long, multi-year projects, and often have many cross-linking threads. Now I can use areas to sort these things out.

Things also handles linking files, emails, etc much better than OmniFocus. I officially convert, as of now.

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